Lifegate Podcast

It's always too soon to give up on God (Sunday, 2nd June 2024)

David O'Gorman

It's always too soon to give up on God (Sunday, 2nd June 2024)

1. Abraham could have given up on God too soon. In fact, did in his heart. - Genesis 17: 15-18
2. Esau gave up on God way too soon - Genesis 25:29-33
3. Jacob gave up on God too soon, on hearing of Joseph's death. - Genesis 37:55
4. Israel gave up on God too soon - Exodus 14:11; 32:1; Numbers 21:4-5; 20:2-5
5. Naomi gave up on God too soon - Ruth 1:19-21
6. Saul gave up on God too soon - 1 Samuel 13:8-9
7. David gave up on God too soon - 1 Samuel 27:1